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notification sound - ringtones

List of notification sound ringtones. You can audition and download the notification sound ringtones that are ideal for smartphones. Delivering mp3 for andoroid and m4r for iPhone!

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A high-pitched bell's catchy ringtone. It refers to the simple sound commonly heard in older telephones,resembling a "ring-ring. This ringtone is a fundamental sound in traditional telephone systems and has also been adopted in mobile phones and smartphones. Often recognized as one of the most straightforward and memorable tones,this simple bell ringtone has stood the test of time as a classic and easily recognizable notification sound.

"Marimba Melody is a bright and refreshing notification sound featuring the tones of a xylophone. Provided as a short track,it is commonly used as a notification sound for message receptions or incoming calls. Additionally,it can be utilized as an audio effect in smartphone apps or games. The xylophone's tones have a unique charm derived from their brightness and freshness,bringing vitality and joy to the listener. The moment the "Marimba Melody rings,it creates a feeling akin to a pleasant breeze blowing through. This notification sound not only alerts you to important messages or calls but also instantly grabs attention. It will introduce a new resonance and vibrancy to your creations. So,when the marimba's melody rings out,a door to new creativity opens.

This is a longer music track designed to create a bright and energetic atmosphere for phone calls. With a simple yet lively musical composition,it can be used as a cheerful ringtone or a cute notification sound. Energetic Call features a melody that exudes brightness and vitality,making it perfect for alerting users to incoming phone calls or messages.

This notification tone features the distinctive timbre of a harmonica. The harmonica produces its unique sound from a small,tube-shaped instrument made of wood or plastic,housing piano wires or metal reeds. The player places their mouth close to the instrument's mouthpiece and produces sound by blowing air into it,causing the reeds to vibrate. Harmonica timbre is often described as sharp,clear,and bright. As a characteristic feature,the harmonica can produce sustained tones and dynamic variations,allowing for both strong and expressive sounds. However,due to its limited range,the harmonic variations are somewhat constrained. The harmonica is a versatile instrument used in various music genres such as folk,blues,and country.

This notification sound features a harmonica-specific tone. When you blow into the mouthpiece of a harmonica,the metal reed (tongue) vibrates,creating a unique tone. These vibrations are amplified within the resonant chamber,producing sound. The resulting harmonica tone is described by some as bright and somewhat sharp. It has a lively and refreshing sound and is a versatile instrument that can be used in a variety of music genres. There are different types of harmonicas,such as diatonic,chromatic,tremolo,and bass harmonicas,each with a different range and tone. A diatonic harmonica is a common harmonica shape,characterized by a bright and straightforward tone,and is often used in genres such as country and blues. Chromatic harmonica allows for more advanced playing techniques and is suitable for genres such as jazz and pop. Tremolo harmonicas produce unique overlapping sounds and are often used in folk songs and enka. Bass harmonicas produce low tones and are often used in jazz and blues music.

The melodic sounds of marimba alert you to social media notifications. The soothing marimba tone is a familiar notification for those who use SNS. Your mood may become brighter and your everyday life may become more enjoyable.

iPhone Style Text Message Chime #2 is another text message notification sound inspired by the iPhone. It features a short and simple melody that expresses the bright and refreshing atmosphere typical of iPhone message notifications. Perfect for not only mobile phone ringtones,but also email notification sounds. When used in conjunction with other iPhone-style notification sounds,they enhance the overall mood of your smartphone and create a consistent and familiar user experience. It has gained popularity since its release.

Pon,pop,pop! This is a fun sound that announces the arrival of a message with a series of cheerful pop sounds. It has a friendly tone,making it ideal for message notifications such as email and social media. It has a bright and lively impression,making it suitable for a wide range of uses such as apps,games,and advertisements. Especially suitable for content and services aimed at younger audiences. Give your users a fun and enjoyable experience with cute message tones!

Pop,pop! This sound is an endearing pop and cute message notification with a delightful pop,pop sound. Its short and sweet,making it perfect for repeated plays without becoming tiresome. You can use it for message alerts or as an app notification sound. Give it a try and enjoy the charm it adds to your notifications.

Pop! This sound is a simple and adorable message notification that adds a touch of cuteness to your alerts. Youll hear a delightful pop sound,which is perfect for a wide range of situations. Feel free to give it a try and add a sprinkle of charm to your notifications.